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Saturday, August 28, 2004 

Let's see now

what a week....

I have had liquid dinner twice this week...that was nice! Work sucked..I fell asleep a couple times throughout the week. I was harassed by my ex yesterday at work - calling me and saying that I had called her the night before. Now why in the fuck would I want or have a reason to call her. She is out of my fucking life, and was before she even knew it. And trust me, I am happy to admit that I have moved on with my life. It was never right in the first place. I had to be someone I wasn't. Good for me I would say... as for her, maybe she can now find some Christian fuck who wants to marry her and sweep her off her feet...I am not going to go any further with this topic...back to me!

So this week was ok. I have to go to the doctor next week for my wrists, and to get prescribed the no smoking pill. I cant wait really to get that going. I have wanted to quit smoking for a long time, but I think now, I am going to for sure. Then, I start another job mid-week next week. I am not going to say where and I hope all of you that read this do not comment on where I am going. Let's just say, it is going to be very good for me. Bills will be paid off in a matter of weeks, and scuba steve will get some new threads; followed by a nice savings account to help save for the trip afar.

Whatelse?? Ummm, I am supposed to meet this chick tonight for a drink. It's a new one, that I have been talking to off and on. She is rather "well off" financially and seems very stable in her job. Cute as a button too with nice big ol.....................................blue eyes! I know you all thought I was gunna say tits or boobs or something....well, she has those too!...LOL! and we all know how much I like money and boobs! The funny thing about it is, everyone I meet here becomes just another time passer.

I am not looking for anything from anyone around here relationship wise. This isnt where I want to settle or find another person to be with. Most of the women here....are just wanting to be taken care of, they want to get married or be in some soul searching relationship that they have no idea what any of that means. The other half of the women here are money hungry, or single parents...or they are the type of woman that cheats on their men and sleeps around with anything 18-56. Now...why in the fuck would I want to date someone from this shithole of a city. Especially another fucking religious one. That is the other main thing around here....most of the women are hypocrits that use some god as an excuse to do immoral things. Welcome to the fucking bible belt...home of the worst mis-aligned closed minded people in the 50 state area...THAT is why I am getting the fuck out of here.


wow, now that was a goddamn tangent....maybe I should go confess....nah, fuck it!...LOL!...geez i dont know what is wrong with me today...maybe I am just impatient, or maybe I just have a sickness in my head. It's a sickness of post economic translation between the matter and lack there of....maybe I will go back to being mr nice cam...maybe I will be the bad cam...wishy washy aye? yeah, try livin in my head.

chip away