Tuesday, November 30, 2004 


marks a new day for Cam. A day where drinking is no more....at least for an entire month. I am challenging myself to this. I am tired of drinking, getting fucked up, making poor choices and decisions about staying out. Plus, when I am out drinking I waste a shitload of money and end up getting home late. They boys are upset and generally, I feel like crap the next morning. So, from this day on for a month the challenge begins.

Also, my house deal is closed. The house is no longer mine. It was a bittersweet day yesterday - I hated it. I almost got fucked over royally on the selling of the house. Basically, my real estate lady didnt do her math and lied to me...well, in turn I had to come up with a check for 1200.00 basically in order for the house to be a done deal...mind you by 9 am today....how in the fuck does anyone come up with this when you live like I do ... and have had bills like I have. Thank god for my parents and their generosity for loaning me the dinero....I will have them paid back once the house stuff goes through and I get back my escrow money and insurance money. It just sucks when you plan for something and nothing goes right. My advice to anyone selling a house.....watch what and who you get tied up with when it comes to your dinero....I got screwed over...dont be the next one...

anyway, have a good one - I gotta go pay rent and get me some chick-fil-a!

Sunday, November 28, 2004 

Lil B enters the Matrix before your eyes!

Thursday, November 25, 2004 

Happy Turkey day.....doesnt look real good does it!.....How bout a pizza instead?

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 

B of the day...errrr, holiday!

b: that was the longest meeting in history
b: AND
b: there is no more fkn food here

Scuba: dude you at a big ol lunch
Scuba: you cant be hungry again
Scuba: lol
Scuba: al;kfdja;sljkf

b: I sat in one spot for an hour and a half where people had eaten before. you could smell the food. you could see the desserts and they were just outside the door. the people in dallas were on the line talking about how much they wanted to eat turkey and i couldnt take it
b: im in a bad mood
b: meetings should NEVER be that long the day before a holiday

Scuba: LMAO
Scuba: dude
Scuba: crackin me up

b: those people suck

Tuesday, November 23, 2004 

Cmas....I hate it

Christmas...I hate it. Its a time to be lonely and sad. Lets have a party cuz some dude named Jezus did his thing....yeah, right!! I believe that one. Bring out the presents you greedy bitches. Give me shitty food, candy canes and a whole barrel of whoop ass. Bring out the bells, the fucking reindeer and the fat man in the red coat - tie them all to a missle and launch the bitch into outter space. 86 Christmas and all the materialism it stands for.

Ok so now that i vented and you prb quit reading this....lets chill...Christmas or Cmas as I call it has changed over the years. More and more it gets earlier and earlier on the "super sales" and etc. Shopping becomes a freaking nightmare, traffic is hell and two fat ladies are still fighting over the Tickle me elmo dolls...What gives? I hate Cmas because generally i spend a shitload of money on people....I am always lonely or have no other half...and most of my family is out of town. Have you ever had one of those Cmas' where you are with someone - you buy them everything...even your parents buy things for them...then, you break up couple days or months later cuz of some stupid shit that goes on unrelated to the presence of where you actully are? I have been there...seems like more times then one. Thanks to my parents for not making me pay them back or having me get the things back that they bought the chicks i dated over the holidays...some peoples parents or even themselves are like that.

The only good thing besides materialism at Cmas time is the Cmas movies too! These movies are really the only thing that make Cmas ROCK! Gremlins is esp one of my favs. Most of you all thought it wasnt a movie for the holiday season....watch it again! Let me know what you think of the mogwai's and Jar Jar binks cameo appearance as a furby.

Anywho, I feel like bad santa (great movie BTW). humbug to the asswipes that cut me off in traffic due to a sale at the fashion mart....I will go Grand Theft Auto on you (in my mind), and make myself feel better...

blah blah blah....random nothingness.......



F a R K E D

I have been down and out lately. I am tired. I bitch too much....I wonder if UPS receives a package, who delivers it.....

Monday, November 22, 2004 

Lil B realizing that he to is a Baggins.....and that he has to go on a quest with one of these two badgers!.....He is NOT happy!


On their mission through middle earth, the littlest Baggins, kept the rest of the crew in line....For some reason, his cousin Frodo wouldnt quit looking at the strange family of humans coming towards them.....Lil B, had other ideas!


Upon reaching Mordor...The littlest Baggins heeds warning to the great ghost people....Aragon understands and Legiolas and Gandolf stop to ponder the Lil B's vision....Lil B was also tired after the long walk.....TO BE CONTINUED!


The littlest Baggins stopped to take time to say "word up" to his friends the Cosbys....Lil B or Lil Bill as they call him has got plenty of clout with them....He many times has to keep brutha Theo in line......."Shut up bitch, before I back hand you with this paw...." Theo listens and gives Lil Bill the props he deserves.....


Get your BANG on!

Now this is funny shit. You ever want to know what it was like shooting at JFK? How about a new videogame that you can download to do it....Well now here is your chance with JFKReloaded.....

Seems the late presidents family is a little pissed....could be the curse of the Kennedy's again....Just dont shoot the First Lady....it deducts from your score...

Funny, funny world we live in, isnt it?


another monday....

Well the weekend has passed and not a whole lot to report. Moms bday was on saturday - we had a good time. She seemed to enjoy all of her gifts and entertainment from the new puppy. He is a spaz

I did get the house emptied and everything over to storage or the plex. Spent a little time unpacking and unloading things. I had to get the PS2 hooked up ASAP as well as my PC. Those are a must when it comes to moving. Its amazing how 15-20 years ago, we didnt think about how much we use computers. They almost control us. Its the rise of the machines. Its the turn of the times....its actually amazing to think about. We rely on machines so much these days.....its like we cannot escape them.

The boys seem to be adjusting well to the new pad. Lil Baggins (Dudley) has been sleepin on his bean bag almost everynight, while Sam is into everything. We took a couple hours last night and did some laundry. Sam seemed to think he needed to help fold the towels with a couple of quick yanks on a corner while I was trying to fold them....funny thing he is.

Tonight. I think I will work on my garage and play a little Metal Gear Solid 3. I need to be working on my album and my jeep site....but for some reason - this moving shit just seems to be more important right now. It's like B said, "its funny how when your place can look like a worse mess when there is crap all over the floor, and when you have all your stuff all over boxes and crap, its different"....he is correct, very correct.

Until the levy breaks....


Sunday, November 21, 2004 

This is on my plate today...Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater....You wont see me for a few days, due to this right here!


after glass render with crosshatch filter....ah .... photoshop fun!


The original pic....before render


Its a weird day at the Cameron casa....Sam and Dad feel a little smeared.

Monday, November 15, 2004 

Geeez o' petez....

What in the hell is goin on in my life these days. Everything seems like a cluster-fuck.

Let's start off slow...

Moving and the house closing has been a pain in the royal ass. I have been spending the past 4 days straight moving shit from one place to the other, with subtle trips to my storage unit. Back and forth, back and forth....morning to night....I am wore the fuck out. Honestly! All of the fixes have been done to the house with the exception of two foundation vent replacements that I didnt know I had....

My sleep habit are waaaaay off, as my local couch has become my place of rest. Notice I didnt say sleep. I cant sleep. I am too tired to sleep. The big man (Big Mike) came over last night on my final night of moving to help me get a piece of furniture out of the master bedroom. Saw the top off, and haul it down 8000 stairs. This fucking thing weighs a ton too. Oh well, he has a new piece of furniture now. It was 700.00 bucks new, but I sold it to him for the low low cost of 50 bucks. Thank god for the big man and his canadian logger strength.

Then....off to home depot I go to get stuff for a fence for the boys. On limited budget, I ended up spending 204.95. That was for wire, snips, duck-tape (for the dryer vent that is a piece of crap and wont stay down), fence posts and a new microwave....(its funny though, because I just bought one of those damn things for my other old house....least this one is portable). Eleven rolls around and BM and I are still out pounding stakes into the ground...and zip-tying the wire to the posts. Not a lot of fun after a long day of moving and 30 degree weather.

I am tired. I think I conked out around 3 this morning. Only to have to get up and begin packing for my trip today. which takes me into the next part.....

So, I missed the flight. Being that Sioux City, IA is way the fuck up north and cold....there are only 2 flights into that place a day. One at 4pm and one at 10 pm tonight - guess which one I am going to get on now. I missed the flight by 2 minutes of boarding. They were assholes and wouldnt let me get on even though I only had one carry on. The flights after mine went through memphis and they would also arrive in Iowa at the same time as I will be traveling on this evening. Fun Fun fucking fun. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Special thanks to Big Mike. He helped me out a ton yesterday, as well as my parents. BM will be watching the boys the next couple of days so that is kewl. I never knew what happened to B and Sunny. Last I heard from them was Saturday night. So, if you guys happen to read this - call ol BM up - I think you guys left Sunnys shoes and purse at my casa in case you need them within the next couple of days. Hey and dont forget to get me on Wednesday night!! I get in a little after 10ish. We can chit chat and have a brew. Thanks for hangin with me this weekend too - friday and saturday night was fun!

I hope you all have a good couple of days and I will talk to you in a few.

much love

Thursday, November 11, 2004 

Down to the wire....wearing a leisure suit.

or so it seems.

I just got a call from the movers. We are moving the time of them showing from noon to 9.30 in the morning. This means my ass will have to be out of bed and have to dogs penned up in their home. This kinda blows....oh well, just gives me more time to get things lined up and situated later that day.

I just wanted to say a special thanks to my parents. They came over last night and rocked out with packing up and moving shit. My pops and I loaded the cars/jeep/trailer up while moms unpacked it at the new place like a rockstar. Then pops and I went to get more and moms stayed and occupied the bubbies. As soon as we got back...moms had the whole kitchen tore the hell up and packed up...she is awesome. pops is awesome. Thank you dearly.

Also, I wanted to thank my friends B and Sunny. You guys have helped me a ton as well. From moving crap to being there for mental rationalizations. Thanks a ton. I will keep the beer flowing for you two!

What else is new....ummmmmmm, lets see. My day job is going great the past few days. I have been really busy and things seem to not be slowing. I leave on Monday for Iowa for an install, and all I can really think about is the last time I went on an install. I was dating my ex (we shall call her AZ). It was always nice to have someone to come back to the hotel room and call at night. AZ and I would stay on the phone and talk all night - almost til both of us were asleep. She would tell me about the boys and our newest addition Tonka (my great dane pup we had together). It was just nice...I will miss it, but I wont dwell on it. I think that times have changed for the good. What is in my past now is in my past.

I think we all think about things like this; little things that is. Things that make us smile...and then we look at the entire picture of the situation we were in and we are quick to forget those good times.....LOL! Know what I mean? Anywho, I have a lot of decisions that I am contemplating. Lots of things on my mind. Maybe when I get settled in and things seem to be more quiet, I will fill you all in on some of my thoughts....trust me, they are all good....its just where they point that might surprise you all. Stay tuned.

One quick other note on something off the subject....

B and I have been kicking some ass at GTA...well, maybe not really, but we have some kewl clothes. B cracks up everytime he and Sunny come over and they see what attire our character has on. Last night after they left, I bought a purple leisure suit with matching pants, a green trucker hat turned around backwards and some nice white tennis shoes....Trust me....its not for the faint of heart...Its pretty bad to see....And for all you others that play the game like us (where you kill eveything in a 4 block radius for hours and do a few missions), I recommend you DO NOT try to jump the bridge and swim to a part of a new city that hasnt been opened yet.....I did this last night; and instantly when I climbed out of the water....4 STARS, every cop in the hood on my ass and no where open to get a paint job or to hide....It was intense fire battles, cops that look like CHIPS, and lotsa gun fire and road blocks....not a good idea!

Personally, I just think they didnt like my leisure suit!

Until the chicken clucks......weeeeeeeeeee!


Monday, November 08, 2004 


I had a good friend help me through some things. I speak of him a lot on this blog and yet everytime he helps me out...I just want to say thanks. Thank you to the B and the soon to be Mrs B. You guys are great advice givers for negative people like myself.

I have made a choice in life today that will get me back to myself and my good friends and family. I have quit my night job at the Horn. It was getting to the point where I was not looking forward to going to work and I was out on a limb drinking too much. I needed to get away from there and come back to my part of town. So, life goes on and I will work where I work and enjoy it for the most I can (at least for 5-6 more months). With the holidays coming up and my day job getting more and more involved - I think this was the right thing to do. Now for some reason as well, I wish I could get out of my cell phone contract and not have a cell phone......anyways I am changing my cell number today after work as well. I think its time to put some of my past behind me and take care of Cam for the next few months....all drinking and such will be going on at my house on the weekends or at a friends house on the weekends.....

Other than that, my last weekend at the horn was ok....from what I want to remember.

Time for a change....on a personal level.


Friday, November 05, 2004 

In need of a vacation....

I have been stressed.

Things are going crazy in my life right now. I am trying to juggle 500 things and trying to remain on top of my game. This is not easy. Here is the deal.....let me try and tell you what all I have going on, what i have been thinking about and also what has been stressing me out lately....

Packing for the move on the 12th.

Moving stuff to the new place as much as I can. - the weather has been shitty and I havent been able to use my trailer.

Working my day job.

Working my night job - thursday, friday and saturday all day.

Sunday - off days....I generally sleep til 2 or 3 in the afternoon....

I am going out of town on the 15 - get back on the 17th = late

The house closing is on the 18th.

Moms birthday is on the 20th - she hasnt even told me what she wants or when we are celebrating it.

Thanksgiving is right after that.....I hate thanksgiving BTW....too much food.

I am trying to work on Mojeepin.com as much as possible. The forums are live now, but the rest of the site is under construction. It is a total overhaul of the site functionality and its appearance.

My album has been delayed.......again. I need to finish the liquid fluid website to launch with it, as well as the final editing and production of the cds themselves.

I am trying to figure out where and when I am going to be moving again.....Florida, Wisconsin, Kansas City or even Colorado. Too many options but I have to think about it now - because 6 months isnt far away.

I would like to spend time with my family and friends.

I need to spend time with my dogs individually.

Needing to work on my Jeep and get things lined up for its overhaul.

Money - even though 120,000 of my debt is being taken away...I still feel like I live paycheck to paycheck with two jobs. Maybe one day I will get on my feet.

Beer - I love it...I am finding myself craving beer at night - its a nice supplement to dr. pepper, and yet it fucks you up easily....

Videogames - I would like to play more and beat some of the games I have been working on for years.

I am thinking about all this crap.....and that is what most of it is....crap. I worry about things that really have to play on the future of me except for a few of these. I hope all of this changes as soon as this house thing is over. It will be a big weight off my shoulders and I feel like things will all line up from there. I also hope I can manage money better. I have been spending money on crap when I shouldnt be. Stuff like eating out or beer adds up fast.

I need to relax and take a vacation.....dont you think?

wishful thinking...


who said she said .......

So I went back to work at the horn last night. It was the first time in 10 days or so. I decided to take some time off to get ahead of things. There was too much drama there. My ex chick I was dating works there and she has done nothing but make it uncomfortable to work. I on the other hand have decided, why worry about that shit? I go there, do my work, go home and get paid the following week. The money I make there isnt great, but the actual cooking is great. The problem lies with the people there. If they arent poppin pills or coming to work high as a kite, then they are wrapped up in some gossip and are messing around on their spouses. I just dont dig the morals of these people. There are a few there, generally, the older women in the kitchen that feel the same way as myself. We sit back and watch the shit roll down the hill. It's amazing to think that people are so out of tune of the over-all aspect of what they are doing based upon a piece of ass or a hit off something. These are the kinda people that make me roll my eyes and just walk away. I dont get it.....but, I still observe and pass judgement....something I think most people would do in my shoes.

Oh well, another night of drama filled cooking tonight......yeeeeeeee haw!


Monday, November 01, 2004 

This is buggin me....

so I had to get it out. Ok, what is the deal with people and sex. It is the driving factor of everything if you think about it. Our ads, our entertainment our social undertakings and even our deaths.

Our we not more advanced then to rely on such wasted energy. If you sit back and think "how many times have I fucked my brains out", you can prb count on more then one hand. People are people, but yet I do not understand why they do what they do. Sex obsessed people are nothing more then people that cannot find pleasure in the simple things in life. Dont get me wrong, I like to have sex and fuck my brains out like the next person, but I think about it. I can go months/years without fucking or sleeping with someone....maybe I feel more sincere about it, or maybe I just want it to be all in tune with who I am....who knows? who cares right? cuz more then likely you will read this and then close the fucking window and say hmmmmm what in the world was that about....??

Anyway, I dont want to be with anyone that I couldnt see myself spending the rest of my life with. Then on the other hand, if you fuck around with someone, it changes everything dating wise or non dating wise.

Sex/Fucking/love making/one night stands MESS SHIT UP from the moment after and into the future unless dealt upon with embracing conception of the actions that were just adhered to.

I can honestly say that my ex-girlfriend (we shall call her A - Her name I have not mentioned on this blog ever BTW, because she asked me to a long time ago), had phenomenal sex. We had some great SEX/LOVE MAKING/Whatever, but it was more then that. It was one on one. It was passion, it was the oblivious to everything else kind of love making. It was nice.

Ok, so back to where I was. I am surfin the net tonight at 2.00 am and I begin chatting with some couple from springfield missouri. Interesting they are. They pointed me to a website that was about couples wanting to swap couples....in case you are sexually illiterate, that means swinging. Now, what causes people to swing....? I have no clue? Why get married if you are going to swing? Just be friends that fuck right? This is the problem with America and half the fucking world. People FUCK!....People kill people when they fuck unaware of their actions....All I am saying on this early November 1st day, is think about it before you fuck it....or even do anything with it....there is shit out there and I dont want to go to your funeral cuz you thought with the wrong part of your life. WAKE UP AMERICA! And to all you swingers out there....take some video for me...send it to me in the mail...just make sure and wash your hands before you pack it up in the mail. You people have issues.....and just a little something....I saw 3 couples I knew personally from Springpatch that were on there....

you people are sick fucks ...

and you know what the funny thing is.....they are some of the biggest "die-hard" Christ_Stains in springfield.

Such good people in the name of GOD arent they?


I am drunk
