Friday, April 21, 2006 


You heard it right - that is where I am headed today - Havent been in like 7 years, only because I didnt have the insurance and all that jazz. Well in my week of recognize...I have decided to go and get my teeth checked out cuz they are kinda sensitive to cold liquids and such. Plus I think I grind my teeth at night for some reason or another. SO .... I am off to pain and suffering at 2pm today.

wish me luck and little if any pain....

yours truly,

Monday, April 10, 2006 

who am I anymore?

I have been swamped really. I got home and hung out with the boys for some time then I got an itch to mess around in the studio I am working on. I had ordered a BOSS 880 drum machine (bout a grand) and got a pretty good deal on it. I had all but decided to send it back....until I hooked it up. Lets just say, the new material is going to rock your socks off I hope. Once the first album releases in June, then I will begin the next....or I will take another route and join up with our band Eleanor Eighty.

B and I have some great ideas...we just need to put them down. I think he will be happy to hear when I tell him I can now record anything we lay down so we dont lose it. You should hear what I made tonight! 5 machines all synched at once with thousands of settings and switches to take control of at once....its a work or art. You will have it soon. I promise.

Friday, April 07, 2006 

B of the day...."reliving the past"

me: why you call her fartin debbie

b: we were at the fiddle one night and she had been there since she got off work drinking long islands
i got there and she could barely walk
she asked me to escort her to the bafroom
and i did and all was well.
she went back and paid her bill
and said she was leaving
i offered to drive her because she was blasted
she said no
I asked that she sit in the car for a while and sober up
told her i'd sit with her
so she did
we were talking and she stopped suddenly, looked at me, eyes getting wider


b: opened her door and puked
and kept on puking
with so much force that it had to hurt


b: the second time she puked, she bent out of the car with her ass toward me and as she pushed, she cracked off a fart

me: ROTFLMAO - priceless

b: after she stopped, she looked back at me and said "sorry"
and then she puked more
i was mortified

me: OMG - dude that is so righteous


me: how could you look at her again without laughing

b: she didnt remember most of it
she was seriously out of it

me: LMAO - the alcohol farts.... Get ya every time!

it was great

me: yeah.....I bet

b: that was one big ol butt to let out a regal fart like that


b: LMAO!

Thursday, April 06, 2006 

Site Launched

Just wanted to let anyone know who reads this that my main site, has been finally launched. Its been a long time in the making, several $$ and a lot of long nights of no sleep. So, without further ado, I give the world....

Monday, April 03, 2006 

a couple of months have passed.

I figured if anyone still reads this thing to see what all is going on in my life then you are still interested, ... was prb time to post something again...LOL!

Anyways, I have been a busy Cam lately. Besides working from 8am-5pm at my day job, I have been working a lot at the restaurant as well (6pm-10pm). We lost a really good cook and they have been needing some aid in the kitchen training two new cooks. Low and behold...I stepped up to the plate. Besides all of this, I have been working on a lot of things lately. Mainly, Its been a long time coming and finally, the main site will be launching this week. I am really excited and want to personally thank everyone involved in this undertaking. I think you all will n-joi.

Other then that, I have been working on the house, the Jeeps (pix coming soon!), the studio and also my personal life. I am not dating anyone right now and that is fine. Its odd sometimes being lonely, but all in all - I guess its what I need right now. I am too busy for anyone else. I also dont think the one I am going to be with lives in this area either. Everyone I think I could date mainly seems to be stuck on staying here in the midwest. I want more then that. I want to get away and experience something new and creative. I think that will happen next year about this time. There is just a lot of prep work right now. So, if anyone is out there, and you are reading this, I hope you all are doing well like myself. Things are changing pretty quickly in my life right now and I cannot wait for you to see the new me. I guess 30 has its short comings - but I dont think this is the case for myself.

be peaceful my friends.
