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Monday, May 02, 2005 

Oh well....its a Monday

Its Monday morning in the Patch. Today there is a lot going on with me....well, there always is to be honest...but today it seems like everything is going to happen...

I find out today how much of a raise I am going to get for being DT's main tech support guy, and newly (over a year or so of being it)..webmaster and SEO guy. Hopefully, the raise will be good....cross your fingers.

I just got Scuba Steve back last night too. For all of you who don't know who that is...its my Jeep Rubicon. I have been driving my moms Highlander the past 2 weeks since they were in Florida and I was in the process of moving. Thank god for Moms. and that reminds me .... dont forget Mothers Day this coming Sunday....She took care of you - take care of her!

I also have to get Scuba inspected today at lunch. He is actually 2 now and is getting more and more parts as the years pass. I wont be getting rid of him anytime soon....he takes care of me and gets me places safely. Gotta love that, or maybe I am just a Jeep freak.

Today also marks the day I get the new Nine Inch Nails "WITH TEETH" album. 5 years in the waiting and I havent even heard but 2 songs on the album....I have a hook-up at a local record store that allows me to get the new releases a day earlier then anyone else....cant wait to hear it ... I will let you all know what I think after I get the chance to hear it all. I have been good and not downloaded anything or gone to any "preview" site to hear it yet in anticipation of its release. Like anything they do, I will prb be amazed. More to come.....